Monday, April 12, 2010


I will be hosting the party at on April 24,2010 at 2:00 penguin standard time thats going to be my earth day party and the server Winter Land. Wear earth day clothing! or something else.It will be at the mine at hmmm.. I don't know 2:00 penguin standard time. Hope you all come!!!

Mimo777 rocks


My favorite famous penguins

My favorite is Mimo777 or ChrisDog93 they both have sites hear they are: and copy and paste them both for their site.

All about the team

I'm Kseu10 and the other Unie3 we are both part of this site and we will post everything we can find(not everything). We have been playing clubpenguin for quite awhile so we know allot about clubpenguin. We probably not post many pictures, but we will post pics. :)